30 Steps toward a better eating


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This Nutritional guide was desingned just to be follow with almost no boring explanations.We do not intend to became you a nutritionist.Of course you have to read and apply what we indicate you.You'll discover what kind of food are best for you, do not worry it will be easy.
Lets see what is included in this friendly nutritional guide.


1. a)Welcome, how to use this guide
b)Ideal weight determination,formulas and caloric requirements.

2.30 steps,this is the base of this guide with simple suggestions and no explanations so less to read just hands on.

3.Weight loss stair caloric Graphic. It help to demostrate how to deal when you stop losing weight and it will help those who like calorie counting.

  4. Grocery cart. I'll give you my personal list of product and you can add yours as well,just do not cheat :)

5.Exercise right. The right technique,avoid lessions, and know that thera are many activities that help you burn even more calories.

  6. Alternatives, such as surgery,drugs,supplements and so on.

7 a)keep track of your evolution.
b)Psycology of losing weight.
c)Fianal statement